History Of Chiropractic
(ki-ro-praktik) [Greek cheir, hand + Greek praktikos, efficient]. The
science which utilizes the recuperative powers of the body and the
relationship between the musculoskeletal structures and functions of the
body, particularly of the spinal column and the nervous system, in the
restoration and maintenance of health. Steadman's Medical Dictionary 24th
Chiropractic was first discovered as a science, art, and philosophy by Dr.
Daniel Palmer of Davenport, Iowa in 1895. Dr. Palmer came across a patient
by the name of Harvey Lillard. Harvey was a janitor who had reported with
deafness in one ear for over 2 years. He recalled that he had wrenched his
neck one day and noticed partial hearing loss since. The hearing loss
continued to steadily get worse. Dr. Palmer, being a scientific man, and a
logical person with common sense, reasoned that there must be a
correlation between the complaint and the injury to the neck. By
palpation, he "felt" an abnormality with the tonicity of the neck
musculature. He reasoned that this was having an effect upon the alignment
of the neck vertebra and proceeded to "adjust" the vertebra back to a
normal position. Mr. Lillard's hearing began to return and after time it
was normal. Hence the beginning of the chiropractic profession.
Dr. Palmer decided to investigate his theories further, through studies of
the spine and nerve system with applications of vertebral adjusting. He
learned that by proper movement of particular vertebra of the spine that
many ailments would alleviate or completely heal. He based his theories by
tracing the nerve system from the brain out along the nerve tracts to
their corresponding organ, muscle, or tissue. His premise is that the
brain, under the direction of its own innate intelligence, controls the
rest of the body by sending naturally generated electrical impulses along
the nerves. Interference to these nerve impulses can occur when the spine
has become subluxated (i.e. misaligned) thus not allowing the body to
properly communicate its healing abilities. Dis-ease or illness then
results. By correction or reduction of these subluxated vertebra, the body
would then begin its healing process with more peak efficiency. His
results became widely known in his community and surrounding areas. People
came from all around in search of answers to their health problems,
especially those whom the medical profession had failed, given up on, or
had caused a problem from unnecessary drugs and procedures.
He later opened the Palmer School of Chiropractic. His son, Dr. Bartlett
Joshua Palmer, often referred to as Dr. B.J. Palmer,
is largely responsible for the development of the chiropractic profession.
While his father Dr. Daniel Palmer, may have discovered the profession, it
was Dr. B.J. that had brought it to the masses. Dr. B.J. Palmer devoted
his entire life to the study, research and development of chiropractic.
His efforts from the early 1900's through the early 1960's helped bring
chiropractic to the world and made it the largest drugless healing
profession. From 1936 to 1951, he maintained the famed Palmer Research
Clinic in Davenport, Iowa, where sick and dying people from around the
world would come to get well by natural means.
Chiropractic has survived and thrived over the past century and has been
proven in the countless documented clinical studies. It has undergone and
withstood a great deal of scrutiny and propaganda by the medical
profession who saw the chiropractic profession and the natural principles
it is based on as a threat and competition to their control over the
bigger drug and surgery oriented industry. Our profession is now worldwide
with 22 major chiropractic colleges and universities. There are over
50,000 active chiropractors represented mostly in the United States,
however, we are practicing in most countries of the world.
Chiropractic Oath
To hold in esteem and respect those who taught me this chiropractic
healing art; to follow the methods of treatment which according to my
ability and judgment I consider for the benefit of my patients; to abstain
from whatever is deleterious and mischievous; to stand ready at all times
to serve my fellow man without distinction of race, creed or color.
With purity I will pass my life and practice my art; I will at all times
consider the patients under my care as of supreme importance; I will not
spare myself in rendering them the help which I have been taught to give
by my alma mater; I will keep inviolate all things revealed to me as a
While I continue to keep this oath inviolated, may it be granted to me to
enjoy life and the practice of the chiropractic healing art, respected by
all people at all times.